Kubah Biru community college is a one year education program for senior high school or SMK graduate. Education program industy basis.Oriented toward industry need which set with multiline to continue study in university (articulation aggrement with PT) or level of career in industry.
Vision of the Kubah Biru :
Becoming local community college-international standard that produce
professional and well educated people.
Participating in build a high quality national human resources.
Increasing the chance to develope for the young generation
Mission :
Implementing skill education in hotel and tourism, to graduate the alumnus
who can compete in national or international level.
Implementing education that enable the long life learning for the alumnus
Having a role in make professional,good attitude and well educated
human resources.
Kubah Biru community college common goal is preparing senior high school alumnus to enter the industry and give a chance to continue to the next level.
The specific goal of Kubah Biru is :
Making productive,competent and autonomous labor
Preparing the labor to fill the needs of the industry or instead making the workfield it self, to increase
quality and standard of life of the labor it self.
Preparing professional operational level labor for hotel and
lodgings industry,cookery and pastry,restorant and catering and event
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