Hotel Bumi Asih Jaya Bandung terletak di Jl. Soekarno – Hatta No. 452 A, Bandung Jawa Barat.
Kami memiliki 54 kamar dengan fasilitas yang cukup lengkap (AC, TV, Waterheater, Mini Bar, Bathtube, Shower Amenities, Guest Suplies, Free Breakfast, Wellcome fruitte), plus Asuransi kecelakaan bagi tamu selama menginap di Hotel Bumi Asih Jaya Bandung.
Hotel Bumi Asih Jaya Bandung juga dilengkapi dengan 6 Meeting Room, Coffee Shop, 24 Our Room Service, Laundry dan Parkir yang cukup luas (dapat menampung 60 Kendaraan).
Akses Menuju Hotel :
- 45 menit dari Bandara Hussein Sastra Negara
- 10 Menit dari Terminal Leuwipanjang
- 30 Menit dari Station kereta bandung
Untuk Informasi dan pemesanan dapat menghubungi bagian Marketing, Contact person Mr. Teuku Daniel Hp. 0813 2000 1090 atau Hotel Bumi Asih Jaya Bandung 022 – 750 8151/53, Facs 022 – 750 8154 . more...

“Geulis” means beautiful, the essence of who we are. Our warm hospitality and elegant facilities, invite you to feel, the comfort and beauty.
The location of Geulis hotel is in strategic place, exactly on jalan dago, Bandung. Just take some minutes from Gedung Sate, the point of Bandung Beside that, Geulis Hotel is easy to visit from any Place in Bandung.
For More Information
Jl. Ir. H. Juanda no. 129
Bandung 40132
West Java - Indonesia
Telp: +62-22 250.7777/250.3600
Fax : +62-22 250.3086
email: geulishotel@geulis-hotel.com

Topas Galeria Hotel, strategically located in Bandung city, is specially built for your leisure, holiday, business, meeting and other needs. You will be assured to "feel at home" when staying, added with the touch of gallery surrounding the area, upgraded rooms & facilities and 24-hour room service.
For business, we provide the internet hotspot for ease of internet connection, upgraded audio facilities in the function rooms and choices packages for your meeting needs. More we will soon provide the music lounge.
New Features
* Internet hotspot
* Upgraded rooms
* Music lounge
For More Information :
Jl. dr. Djundjunan No. 153 Bandung - 40173 , West Java - INDONESIA
Ph: +62-22 6020 550 Fax: +62-22 6020 440
Email reservastion: reservation@topas-hotel.com
Email: topas@topas-hotel.com
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