Some People think they have seen it all, but they dont, Lombok diving offer spectacular diving destination with untouched coral reefs, pinnacles and home of “Hammerhead” sharks and other giant creatures. For divers who would like to enjoy some pristine dive sites, we offer a world of 100% intact coral and a unique variety of species. “…It’s an Eldora do for underwater photographers.” Lombok are the perfect place when you want to escape from it all. The peaceful Lombok atmosphere is the best place for holiday with white sand beach and under water panoramas. The many drop-offs, plateaus and slopes around the Lombok’’s reflect a good cross-section of what Indonesia has to offer. Dive in and be fascinated by a variety of turtles, White-tip Reef Sharks, Cuttlefish, Moray Eels, Angel Fish, Ghost Pipefish, Snappers, Mantas, Eagle rays and more. This is always a very popular dive site which will offer you a large diversity and abundance in marine on a single dive. The sea mounds and canyon walls differ in size and offer you an interesting collection of overhangs and outcrops, all covered in a variety of hard and soft corals. Huge sea fans and other interesting coral formations will fascinate you from start to finish.
7. Bangka & Belitung Islands

The islands of Bangka and Belitung, with its rolling hills of green fields and forests, and the nearby islands of Gangga and Talise offer over 25 dive sites with fringing reef slopes and pinnacles carpeted in soft corals. The row of underwater boulder pinnacles that just break the surface here form giant steps underwater. This is a drift dive that requires a negatively buoyant entry, as waves can be present at the surface at drop off and pick up points. As you descend down the pinnacles you will marvel at the proliferation of green and golden brown soft corals, huge elephant ear sponges, dense thickets of branching green cup coral and table corals. There are carpets of frilled leather corals and pink, brown, cream and lilac soft coral trees swaying in the shallow surge. “Breathtaking” and “awesome” are oft-used words on the boat after this Bangka & Belitung dive.
8. Banda Islands

Seemingly insignificant islands in the middle of nowhere in the Banda Sea, in fact the Banda Islands are steeped in history and blessed with some of the finest diving in the country. Central to the spice trade of old, and former home to exiled freedom fighters, the islands are now enjoying a growing reputation for what goes on below the surface. The remoteness of the islands in the wide open Banda Sea, and the low levels of human population, have meant less fishing pressures, and a vibrant, natural and healthy reef system. The results of this are fishes in incredible numbers, huge seafans and sponges, and some monumental hard corals. At most sites you’ll see enormous schools of fusiliers and thousands of redtooth tirggerfish. One certainty is that you will see plenty of big stuff as well as no shortage of colourful reef life. Topside, these islands boast climbable volcanic mountains which are covered in lush green vegetation. For a taste of historic atmosphere going ashore in Banda Neira is a must for its remnants from the old spice trade of colonial times.
9. Wakatobi Islands

Rising from the depths of the Banda Sea, the main islands of Wangi, Kaledupa, Tomea, Binongki - WaKaToBi - dish up large portions of all the world’s reef types - fringing, atoll and barrier - and are served with lashings of healthy corals and dense schools of fish. Being a national park, fishing is strictly limited and the reefs are protected, meaning plenty of action for you the diver. Local fishing communities obtain a fair share of the income generated by dive tourism in exchange for adopting more sustainable practices, such as leaving large stretches of reef completely untouched. Other contributions go towards education and strengthening local support for the marine park. Word is beginning to spread about Wakatobi but it is still relatively new. Indeed there are even new sites out there waiting to be discovered, particularly in the outer atolls which are virtually untouched. Dive in and discover the animal attractions here in the Banda Sea.
10. Sangihe & Talaud Archipelago

The Sangihe Archipelago is a chain of volcanic islands off the north east peninsula of North Sulawesi. Consisting of about forty volcanic islands some of which are over 1,500 metres high, the archipelago’s waters are some of deepest in the world and deep-water currents bring plankton and nutrients from the deep. Be the man from Atlantis by diving what was once a thriving village. Feeling like an archeologist you cruise around through the numerous black corals and investigate the tunnels and doorways. Diving here amongst topography carved out by man’s own hand stands in stark contrast to the norm of diving among nature’s splendour and is definitely one you won’t forget. Diving just off the dormant volcano of Ruang Island always gets the thumbs up from those who have been here. It is as if the Creator has put every shape, size and colour of sponge and crinoid here in this one spot. This provides a magnificent backdrop against which you can spot some of the many sharks, dogtooth tuna and extraordinarily large schools of barracudas that call this place home.
Article from : Syadera
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