Various foreign embassies in Indonesia, with their complete addresses and contacts.
1. Asean Secretariat
2. Embasssy of the Republic of Tunisia
Wisma Dharmala Sakti, 11th floor, Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 32, Jakarta Pusat 10220
Tel (62-21) 570-3432, 570-4220, 570-3492, Fax (62-21) 570-0016
3. Embassy of Australia
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. C15-16, Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 12940
Tel (62-21) 2550-5555, Fax (62-21) 522-7101, 526-1690
4. Royal Embassy of Germany
Jl. M.H. Thamrin No. 1, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat 10310
Tel (62-21) 390-1750, Fax (62-21) 390-1757
5. Royal Embassy of Netherlands
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. S-3, Kuningan,
Jakarta Selatan 12950, (P.O.Box 2439 JKT 10024)
Tel (62-21) 525-1515, Fax (62-21) 570-0734
6. Embassy of Canada
World Trade Centre, 6th Floor, Jl. Jend. Sudirman, Kav. 29, Jakarta 12920
Tel (62-21) 525-0709, Fax (62-21) 571-2251
7. Embassy of China
Jl. Mega Kuningan 2, Karet Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 12950
(62-21) 576-1039, Fax (62-21) 576-1034
8. Europe Union
Wisma Dharmala Sakti, 16th floor, Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 32, Jakarta Pusat
10220, (PO Box 6454, JKPDS Jakarta)
Tel (62-21) 570-6076, Fax (62-21) 570-6075
9. Embassy of the United States of America
Jl. Merdeka Selatan 4-5, Jakarta 10110, Indonesia (US mailing address: Unit 8129,
Box 1, APO AP 96520 ) Jl. Medan Merdeka Selatan No. 5, Jakarta Pusat 10110
Tel (62-21) 3435-9000, 344-2211
jakconsul[at] (consular section)
More Embassies
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
How to Do Everything - Packing & Planning

We'll show you how to be ready to the the trail in 20 minutes, guaranteed. Now gear up!
by: Annette McGivney
* Keep a gear list taped to the inside of a closet door or under the lid of your storage bin. Visit for samples.
* Stow your backpacking clothes–including hats, gloves, and bandanas–together in a dedicated place in your closet or dresser.
* Reserve a small corner of the pantry for camp food (dehydrated meals, dried fruit, nuts) so that you don't have to shop for staples en route to the trailhead. Replenish after every trip.
1. First-aid kit
2. Mug, spoon, bowl
3. Headlamp
4. Extra batteries
5. Fuel
6. Stove
7. Cookware, scrub pad, soap
8. Two kinds of firestarter
9. Repair kit
10. Compass
11. Pocket knife/multitool
12. Bandana/camp towel
13. Zip-top bags
14. Sanitation kit (trowel, TP, hand sanitizer)
Bring the Right Amount of Food
Most hikers carry more food than they really need, which means dead weight in your pack. Take a maximum of 3,500 calories per person per day (about 2 pounds) for standard trips; bump it up to a max of 5,000 calories for extremely cold conditions.
Thursday, February 19, 2009

Step 1: Adjust for declination
Declination is simply the difference between magnetic north (where the compass needle points) and true north (the North Pole, and the direction maps are oriented). To navigate accurately, just check the margin of your map for the declination (12 degrees east, for instance) and adjust your compass accordingly (most have a simple dial). No dial? No problem. If the declination is east, subtract the degrees from the magnetic north bearing to get the true bearing; if it's west, add the degrees (easy mnemonic device: East is least, west is best).
Step 2: Orient your map
Lay the straight edge of your compass on the map so that its true north bearing is parallel to the map's true north grid lines. Rotate the map and compass together until the compass points due north.
Step 3: Take a bearing
Let's say your destination is a spectacular lakeside campsite two miles off the beaten path. You can see it on your map–but not from the trail. To get there, lay the straight edge of your compass base plate on the map so it connects your present location with the lake. Turn the compass housing until its meridian lines match the north-south lines on the map (make sure the arrow is pointing to the top of the map, or you'll be 180 degrees off). The direction indicated at the compass's direction of travel arrow is the route you need to take to reach the lake.
Step 4: Navigate around obstacles
In the real world, obstacles like canyons and cliffs can get in the way of your straight line bearing. Here's how to go around without getting off track: With your compass in hand, sight an object–like a tree or boulder–that is beyond the obstacle and lies on the straight line to your destination. Hike to that object by the easiest route, then resume traveling along your original bearing.
From : Backpacker Magazine
Monday, February 16, 2009
Hotel Santika Premiere Beach Resort-Bali-Indonesia

The four-star Hotel Santika Premiere Beach Resort Bali is a resort property set within a green garden environment against a beautiful ocean backdrop in one of the island's most progressive tourist districts. A collection of 171 stylishly appointed guest rooms fulfills the diverse needs of international leisure and business travelers alike. The hotel is just minutes away from Bali's Ngurah Rai International Airport, and offers a perfect mixture of modern living and glowing elegance.

For More Information :
Hotel Santika Premiere Beach Resort-Bali
Jl. Kartika Plaza, P.O. Box 1008 Tuban - Bali Phone: (62-361) 751267, Fax: (62-361) 751260, 761889
Sales & Marketing
Sunday, February 15, 2009
How To Speak GPS
Common GPS terms you should know.
from : Backpacker Magazine
by: Mike Lanza
Backtrack: A function that allows you to retrace the route you traveled if you stored waypoints as you went along.
Bearing: Your direction of travel between two points, measured in degrees relative to true or magnetic north. Bearing ranges from 0 to 360 degrees.
Coordinates: A set of letters (indicating direction) and numbers (indicating latitude and longitude) that describe a position on the surface of the Earth.
Course Over Ground (COG): The direction in which the GPS receiver has been taken.
Cross-Track Error (XTE): Sometimes called the "course deviation indicator," this number represents the amount of perpendicular distance you have wandered from your programmed route.
GoTo: A basic function of any GPS unit, GoTo directs you to a chosen waypoint or destination, usually by showing on the unit's display an arrow that points in the direction the user is to go.
Route: A course of travel linking two or more waypoints selected by the user.
Speed Over Ground (SOG): The speed at which the user of a GPS receiver is traveling.
Universal Transverse Mercator: An alternative coordinate system that divides the Earth's surface into a flat grid of 60 zones, each zone 6 degrees wide, instead of using the traditional longitude/latitude system. UTM currently is used mostly by "serious" navigators and cartographers, but it's becoming more common because, once learned, it's simple to use.
Velocity Made Good: A numerical value that shows the rate at which the user of a GPS receiver is nearing a destination waypoint.
Waypoint: Also called a landmark, a waypoint is a precise position on the Earth identified by a set of coordinates. All GPS receivers let you name waypoints, and many allow you to label them with icons for landmarks such as campsites and overlooks, and then link multiple waypoints to create a route. GPS units typically store at least 500 waypoints.
from : Backpacker Magazine
by: Mike Lanza
Backtrack: A function that allows you to retrace the route you traveled if you stored waypoints as you went along.
Bearing: Your direction of travel between two points, measured in degrees relative to true or magnetic north. Bearing ranges from 0 to 360 degrees.
Coordinates: A set of letters (indicating direction) and numbers (indicating latitude and longitude) that describe a position on the surface of the Earth.
Course Over Ground (COG): The direction in which the GPS receiver has been taken.
Cross-Track Error (XTE): Sometimes called the "course deviation indicator," this number represents the amount of perpendicular distance you have wandered from your programmed route.
GoTo: A basic function of any GPS unit, GoTo directs you to a chosen waypoint or destination, usually by showing on the unit's display an arrow that points in the direction the user is to go.
Route: A course of travel linking two or more waypoints selected by the user.
Speed Over Ground (SOG): The speed at which the user of a GPS receiver is traveling.
Universal Transverse Mercator: An alternative coordinate system that divides the Earth's surface into a flat grid of 60 zones, each zone 6 degrees wide, instead of using the traditional longitude/latitude system. UTM currently is used mostly by "serious" navigators and cartographers, but it's becoming more common because, once learned, it's simple to use.
Velocity Made Good: A numerical value that shows the rate at which the user of a GPS receiver is nearing a destination waypoint.
Waypoint: Also called a landmark, a waypoint is a precise position on the Earth identified by a set of coordinates. All GPS receivers let you name waypoints, and many allow you to label them with icons for landmarks such as campsites and overlooks, and then link multiple waypoints to create a route. GPS units typically store at least 500 waypoints.
Understanding GPS

Using your GPS is easier than you think.
from : Backpacker Magazine
by: Mike Lanza
The Global Positioning System (GPS) consists of 24 satellites orbiting the Earth every 12 hours and transmitting a sequence of numbers back to its surface.
The system was developed by the U.S. Department of Defense. Handheld GPS receivers pick up the satellites' signals.
Standard recreational GPS receivers have 12 channels, meaning that they can track up to 12 satellites at once. Reception from three satellites triangulates a "fix" on your location, giving your precise position on Earth in longitudinal and latitudinal coordinates. Reception from four satellites is required to calculate altitude. A receiver's "view" of the satellites can be blocked by dense foliage, terrain, buildings, or even thick fog.
A GPS unit, like a good pair of boots, is something you appreciate only by using it. Get out the instruction manual, power it up, and hit the trail. Before setting off for the great unknown, though, take it on a few test trips in familiar areas. Use it on a weekend backpacking trip or on short walks around your neighborhood. Purposely get "lost" and let the GPS help you find your way home. Or have a GPS-savvy friend create a route for you to follow.
How to Shoot Video in Any Condition

Beat wind, rain, and snow with 5 tips from an expert outdoor cameraman.
from : Backpacker Magazine
by: Thayer Walker
Serac Adventure Films Founder and three-time Emmy award-winner Michael Brown has made a career out of capturing high-quality video in the harshest weather–from the slopes of Mt. Everest to the tornado-battered Oklahoma panhandle. Follow his advice and the next time a storm rolls in, you'll be running for your camera, not for cover.
Protect your camera from mild rain with a freezer bag, garbage bag, or shower cap. But don't sweat the snow. "If it's snowing, I don't really worry about my camera getting wet, as long as it's cold enough that the snow isn't melting on the camera," Brown explains.
In windy or low-light conditions, use a carabiner and a cord to suspend a sand- or rock-filled stuff sack from your tripod. It's a cheap, easy way to guarantee steady shots.
"Cameramen are more susceptible to frostbite because the cold metal sucks all the heat out of their hands," Brown warns. Always wear a pair of liners or warm, thin gloves, such as The North Face's waterproof Apex Bionic Glove ($40,
Wind blowing across your digicam's microphone will distort the soundtrack. Dampen noise by covering a built-in mic with an adhesive bandage. You can also shield the mic with your hand or position yourself so you're shooting away from the wind. Capture itIncrease your camera's shutter speed to 1/250 to catch rain falling in midair. If it's snowing, shoot near the ground to catch blizzard-like billowing action.
Monday, February 2, 2009

WAYANG GOLEK adalah sebuah bentukan wayang tradisional seni Sunda, Jawa Barat. Tidak seperti wayang kulit yang biasa ditemui di daerah Jawa lainnya dan Bali, wayang ini terbuat dari kayu, sebuah objek tiga dimensi dan tidak menggunakan layar. Digunakan batang pohon pisang untuk tempat berdirinya wayang-wayang, di mana di belakangnya duduk seorang dalang yang ditemani sekelompok penabuh gamelan (nayaga) di mana jumlahnya bisa mencapai 20 orang. Para nayaga itu dikomandoi oleh dalang dengan memberikan tanda-tanda ketukan (kecrek) sesuai dengan keadaan cerita yang sedang berlangsung.
Biasanya pertunjukkan wayang golek memakan waktu selama 6 jam pada malam hari, disaksikan para penonton dari segala kalangan. Awal mulanya pertunjukkan wayang digelar untuk acara syukuran, berterima kasih atau memohon perlindungan atas panen atau dari gangguan hal-hal jahat. Namun sekarang digelar pada acara khitanan atau pernikahan atau bahkan acara ulang tahun perusahaan atau instansi. Pertunjukkan wayang golek menjadi acara sosial seperti sebuah bazaar di mana di sekitar tempat acara selalu dipenuhi oleh para pedagang makanan atau aksesoris maupun alat-alat rumah tangga, dan para penonton bisa datang dan pergi sesukanya, melihat atau mendengar dari berbagai arah sudut pandang. Mereka menikmati adegan bodoran atau lawakan, di mana sering dipertontonkan aksi-aksi gila dan sindiran-sindiran yang diperagakan dalang.
Ada yang menyebutkan bahwa wayang berasal dari India. Hal ini tidak begitu benar, karena wayang itu adalah kebudayaan asli Indonesia (Jawa). Wayang, berasal dari kata Wa dan Hyang yang artinya nenek moyang. Namun ada juga yang menganalisa bahwa kata wayang berasal dari kata bayang. Cerita-ceritanya mengambil dari buku-buku agama Hindu, yakni dari Ramayana dan Mahabrata. Meskipun mengambil dari buku-buku tersebut, namun oleh para seniman Sunda sebagian dikurangi dan ditambah, supaya selaras dengan kebudayaan Indonesia (Islam). Dikarenakan adanya perubahan tersebut tentu akan menyimpang dari cerita asalnya.
Enam jam pertunjukkan wayang golek tidak menceritakan keseluruhan cerita. Bahkan dalam satu pertunjukkan terkadang diambil hanya sebagian kecil dari keseluruhan cerita dan terdapat banyak cerita di dalam cerita. Terkadang dibuat cerita-cerita baru (sempalan), tetapi tetap pada jalur karakter aslinya (pakem). Setelah cerita baru itu dipertontonkan selama beberapa tahun, terkadang menjadi bagian dari cerita asli di mana dalang-dalang yang lainnya juga mempertontonkan cerita tersebut. Alur cerita wayang golek seperti pohon dimana selanjutnya banyak cabang-cabang cerita dari alur cerita keseluruhan sesungguhnya.
Di Indonesia banyak masyarakat mengenal beberapa tipe karakter wayang dengan melihat dari ukuran, warna, bentuk mata dan hidungnya, dan cara dia berjalan, bicara, menyanyi, menari dan berkelahi. Sebuah bentuk karya seni yang tinggi dan terus tumbuh berkembang dengan pesat, menampilkan simbol filosofi di dalamnya untuk semua kalangan, kaya dan miskin, politisi, artis dan lain sebagainya.
- ( & jati sampurna) -
Gunung KERINCI (3.805 mdpl)

Gunung Kerinci adalah puncak tertinggi di Sumatera dan merupakan gunung aktif tertinggi di Indonesia dengan tinggi 3.805 m dari permukaan laut. Gunung ini merupakan bagian dari Taman Nasional Kerinci Seblat (TNKS). Cekungan kawahnya dari sisi ke sisi berukuran 600 x 100 meter persegi dengan daerah lava aktif yang berwarna hijau kekuning kuningan 120 x 100 meter persegi.
Puncak gunung ini sangat sering tertutup kabut sehingga agak sulit dilihat dari kejauhan. Suhu udara di daerah puncak berkisar antara 5-10 derajat celcius, bahkan dapat mencapai di bawah 0 derajat celcius pada musim kemarau.
Untuk mencapai puncak Gunung Kerinci dari Desa Kersik Tuo dengan waktu tempuh 10-12 jam yang telah ada jalur pendakian berupa jalan setapak, dilengkapi papan keterangan dan interpretasi di beberapa lokasi. Desa Kersik Tuo berada sekitar 49 kilometer sebelah utara ibukota Kabupaten Kerinci, Sungai Penuh. Waktu tempuh dari Sungai Penuh dengan kendaraan umum sekitar satu jam.
Kabupaten Kerinci memang sangat kaya dengan obyek wisata alam. Selain Gunung Kerinci di kabupaten paling barat Provinsi Jambi itu terdapat sekurangnya empat danau, yaitu Kerinci, Gunung Tujuh, Belibis dan Lingkat. Danau Gunung Tujuh adalah danau vulkanik yang terbentuk akibat kegiatan gunung berapi di masa lampau, berada pada ketinggian 1.996 meter dpl dan merupakan danau tetinggi di Asia Tenggara (Danau Gunung Argopuro bgm?). Panjang danau 4.500 meter, lebar 3000 meter dikelilingi tujuh gunung dengan puncak tertinggi 2.732 meter dpl.
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